
Exploring API Gateway Testing Strategies

Written by Naman Garg | May 29, 2024

Software testing can be challenging as client requests are routed to various services across different locations, like clusters and clouds. Ensuring that these requests are secure and reach their destinations is crucial, but the services should not be burdened with these concerns. Instead, services should focus on their primary functions—business operations. This is where the API gateway comes in, acting as a gatekeeper for all these requests.


What is an API Gateway?

API gateways are servers that sit between clients and microservices, serving as a central entry point for all requests. For clients, an API gateway encapsulates the complexity of the underlying system, allowing them to communicate with the gateway instead of calling specific services.

It also performs security checks while traffic is heading to the services, enabling services to focus on their core areas. Think of the API gateway as the manager or receptionist of a hotel. Just as the receptionist manages people coming into the hotel, the API gateway so the API gateway does for a software system.

Let’s consider the primary responsibilities of an API gateway.


API Gateway Responsibilities

An API gateway's primary responsibilities include routing, security, traffic control, orchestration, observation, and transformation.

Routing involves forwarding requests to the appropriate microservice based on URL, content, and business rules. Security applies authentication, access control, and threat protection, while traffic Control monitors load balancing, caching, and rate limiting.

Orchestration manages service discovery and error handling, including retries and circuit-breaking operations. Observability provides services like logging, monitoring, and tracing and lastly, transformation performs protocol translation and response formatting, among other tasks.


Testing Considerations for API Gateways

Authorization & Authentication

Testing for authentication involves identifying users before permitting them access to any resources, similar to checking IDs at a party to ensure only invited guests enter. Once authenticated, authorization determines what actions they can perform.

For example, if someone is on the guest list, they gain access to the VIP section. Similarly, when performing security tests, the QA verifies that the system correctly confirms user identities. Testers check whether logins are successful by using the correct usernames and passwords.

Authorization tests confirm that users can only perform actions they are permitted to, ensuring that the right individuals access the appropriate areas within the application.

Rate Limiting

Rate limiting restricts users from making excessive requests within a time frame, thereby keeping the system functional without collapsing. Imagine a buffet where everyone is limited to a certain number of plates to ensure there is enough food for everyone. Without such limitations, some guests might go hungry.

To prevent some users from being denied access to a software system, a QA checks if the system correctly limits the number of requests users can make within a time frame. The tester’s job is to ensure the system prevents users from making excessive requests and displays appropriate messages when they do.

Request Routing

It is crucial to ensure that requests are forwarded correctly—akin to managing traffic on a busy road, all requests should reach their intended destinations without causing delays.

QA teams test request routing by verifying that requests reach the correct destinations based on the requested data, while testers use various HTTP routing samples to confirm requests are sent to the right parts of the system.


Caching in an API gateway is like keeping a copy of a popular book readily available at the library, allowing people to access it without waiting. Essentially, it's about storing information temporarily for later use.

When testing an API gateway's caching, QA teams evaluate whether the system properly caches information, saves it for later use, and retrieves it when required. As for testers, they ensure that the cached information is utilized properly and is up-to-date.

A/B Testing

A/B testing is like making two different recipes to find out which one tastes better. The idea is to show people different versions of something so they can choose the one they like better.

During A/B testing, QA teams assess user preferences by showing diverse versions of websites while monitoring their choices. Testers check that the system correctly identifies user choices and provides content that meets specific user needs.


Keypoints for QA Testing API Gateways

  • Confirm that users are properly verified and their identities are established.
  • Verify that only authorized users can log in.
  • Continuously monitor that rate limits per user account and time frames are correctly set to prevent service overload.
  • Regularly update and maintain cached data to ensure efficiency.
  • Examine the conditions set during the configuration process across various resource versions to ensure they are displayed correctly.



API gateways are essential for managing client requests within system software. These gateways must undergo thorough quality assurance testing to ensure their efficient operation.

The QA team plays a crucial role in ensuring system reliability and enhancing user satisfaction by rigorously focusing on API gateways' verification points.

Through consistent testing, we can identify and address potential issues, thereby significantly enhancing the overall performance of the software.

Happy Testing!