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Breaking Free from the Shackles of Manual Testing

Are you an automation hire stuck in manual testing? Read on for solutions. 



Automation professionals often find themselves in manual testing roles, despite their expertise in automation. This predicament can be frustrating and raise doubts about career growth. Let's explore eight situations that automation hires may encounter. We'll also dive into practical solutions.


Breaking Free from Limited Automation Scope

Situation: Assigned projects offer limited opportunities for automation, hindering the use of automation skills.


  • Instead of feeling trapped, automation professionals should proactively schedule a meeting with supervisors and stakeholders to advocate for automation. By highlighting enhanced efficiency, reduced testing time, and improved test coverage, they can create awareness and generate interest.

  • Proposing a phased automation plan can make a significant difference. Starting with automating small, repetitive tasks allows stakeholders to witness the immediate benefits. This approach showcases the potential cost savings and improved outcomes, leading to increased support and resources.


Overcoming Insufficient Emphasis and Resources for Automation

Situation: Automation initiatives are not prioritized, and limited resources are allocated for automation projects.


  • Collaboration becomes key. Automation professionals should work closely with QA professionals, developers, and project managers to educate them about the power of automation. They can leverage success stories and case studies to illustrate the impact of automation.

  • Begin by automating small, low-risk tasks to show the tangible benefits of automation. Sharing the outcomes and time saved with stakeholders is crucial for building enthusiasm and support for broader automation initiatives.


Bridging the Skill Gap and Training Deficiency

Situation: Automation hires lack the necessary skills or training to effectively implement automation.


  • Automation professionals should inquire about training programs, workshops, or mentorship opportunities within the organization. Engaging with experienced automation testers can help them acquire the required skills and knowledge.

  • Taking initiative is essential. Automation professionals should seek self-directed learning opportunities through online resources, tutorials, and industry forums. Allocating dedicated time for self-study and applying acquired knowledge to improve existing testing processes will enhance their expertise.


Navigating Shifting Priorities and Delayed Automation Integration 

Situation: Evolving project requirements lead to postponement of automation initiatives, with manual testing taking precedence.


  • Automation professionals should engage in discussions with project managers and stakeholders. These are opportunities to emphasize the long-term advantages of automation. Create a compelling case by highlighting improved test coverage, reduced time-to-market, and overall project outcomes.

  • One strategic approach is to identify specific areas within the project where partial automation can be introduced, even if full automation is not immediately feasible. Focusing on critical test scenarios or components and gradually increasing automation aligns with shifting priorities and ensures progress.


Breaking Down the Walls of Automation Resistance

Situation: Cultural barriers and resistance to change impede the adoption of automation within the organization.


  • To overcome resistance, automation professionals should foster an automation culture within the organization. This can be achieved by organizing regular meetups, knowledge-sharing sessions, or internal conferences that allow individuals to share their automation experiences, challenges, and best practices.

  • Identifying influential individuals who embrace automation and can advocate for its adoption is essential. Collaborating with these automation champions to address concerns, highlight success stories, and drive cultural change towards embracing automation will contribute to its wider acceptance.


Expanding Horizons Amid Limited Growth Opportunities 

Situation: Frustrated with the lack of automation opportunities, automation professionals consider seeking alternative employment.


  • Automation professionals should seek opportunities to collaborate with other teams or departments where their automation skills can be utilized. Offering assistance in automating non-QA tasks or providing automation support to different projects within the organization expands their scope and generates new avenues for growth.

  • By offering to conduct internal training sessions or mentoring colleagues interested in automation, automation professionals can share their knowledge and expertise. Creating an environment that encourages automation adoption and paves the way for future automation-focused projects benefits both individuals and the organization.


Integrating Automation Seamlessly into Project Planning

Situation: Automation is not incorporated effectively into project planning, resulting in missed automation opportunities.


  • Identifying critical areas in the project where automation can have the most significant impact is crucial.

  • Automation professionals should engage with project managers and stakeholders right from the project's inception. By advocating for the inclusion of automation in the project roadmap, emphasizing its potential to accelerate testing cycles and enhance overall product quality, they can ensure automation is not an afterthought but an integral part of the planning process.


Overcoming Limited Support for Test Infrastructure

Situation: Inadequate support for test infrastructure hampers automation efforts.


  • Collaborate with IT and infrastructure teams to understand and address the challenges related to test environments and infrastructure. By advocating for the allocation of resources and infrastructure improvements, they can facilitate efficient automation testing.

  • Exploring cloud-based testing platforms that provide scalable infrastructure for automation can be a game-changer. Leveraging cloud-based solutions offers on-demand access to testing environments, reduces dependencies on traditional infrastructure, and enhances automation capabilities.



In this article, we explored solutions for automation professionals stuck in manual testing roles. While it can be frustrating, the strategies mentioned offer proactive ways to address the situation. It's essential to note that these solutions are not exhaustive, and there are various other avenues to explore based on individual circumstances.

Happy Testing!

Naman Garg

Written by Naman Garg

Manual and Automation Tester | Quality Promoter | Technology Leader | Lifelong Learner | Software QA Engineer | Product Manager | Scalable Product Builder | Robust Solution Creator | Business Goal Achiever | Social Volunteer